What is a Brain Map?
A Brain Map is a scientific tool we use to understand your brain.
To get a Brain Map I record and measure your brainwaves. This is done using advanced scientific equipment and software.
To get a recording, we place sensors on your scalp to measure the way your brain is using brain speeds like Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta.
Then we compare your recorded brainwaves to other healthy people your age.
The result is a color map of your brain functioning. It shows how your brain is performing in typical and unusual ways.
What does the Brain Map tell us?
Studies have found that there are common brainwave patterns that correlate with specific functioning and symptoms.
Each brainwave speed (Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta) is associated with positive functions as well as negative symptoms.
For example, the first image below shows an efficient use of Theta brainwaves (the green circle). Theta brainwaves assists in memory formation, creativity and cognitive processing.
However, the second image shows a different brain that has more Theta brainwaves that expected (shown by the red areas). People with this red pattern often report difficulties with attention, impulse control and organization. Patterns of Beta Brainwaves are also commonly associated with positive functions as well as negative symptoms. Beta brainwaves are especially present when we focus. Beta occurs when we are problem solving or thinking carefully about a topic. However, too much Beta may reflect excessive stress or anxiety and difficulty sleeping. And when Beta is continuously present, it can be involved in feeling burnt out.
What is the benefit of getting a Brain Map?
A Brain Map allows us to create a program very specific to your goals and associated brain wave patterns. By analyzing your Brain Map we can see how your brain is impacting your behavior. Based on those associations, we create a program plan for Brain Training to address the brain pattern contributing to your problem.
What is Brain Training?
Brain Training is biofeedback for the brain, known as Neurofeedback. The equipment we use for Brain Training helps to regulate brain activity that can be related to the concerns you have such as stress and anxiety, focus and attention, depression, and insomnia. This type of training can also improve your resiliency by helping you become more flexible and relaxed. A brain with greater flexibility is more able to adapt to the challenging day to day situations you face.