I combine traditional counseling with cutting edge technology to help you reach your goals.
The way your brain works influences everything you do.
Energy and rhythm patterns in your brain relate to your ability to concentrate, learn something new, be flexible, follow through on tasks, manage your emotions and so much more.
If you are trying to make personal improvements, doesn’t it make sense that you would want to know how your brain could help you make those changes?
Is your brain working for you or holding you back?
Let’s find out!
The first step is to get a Brain Map. Let’s get a picture of what is going on in your brain.
A Brain Map measures your brains energy and rhythm. It also tells us about the communication patterns your brain is using. The technology I use for this brain scan is known as qEEG.
By comparing your Brain Map to a large database of other people your age we can make connections about how specific areas and patterns in your brain are associated with how you function day to day.
This assessment tool tells us a lot about you and your needs!
We then use that information to create a personalized plan to help you meet your goals.
Understanding how your brain works can help you feel and perform better.
Knowledge about your brain can help you understand why you experience certain struggles.
For example, symptoms related to ADHD and anxiety are actually related to problems with the flow of information in the brain.
After learning how areas in you brain are functioning, you can choose what areas to improve.
Perhaps you would choose to focus on teaching your brain to
- Be more flexible and adjust to change easier.
- Feel more calm and recover from stress faster.
- Fall asleep and stay asleep more easily and consistently.
- Sustain your attention and focus at work.
- Start and finish projects.
- Be more organized.
- Improve your recall and memory.
- Be less irritable and grumpy.
What would make your day better? What would you choose to improve in order to feel better?
The brain is a trainable and trackable system.
Once you have learned about your brain and have prioritized your goals, then it’s time to start training and tracking changes.
Training plans will be tailored just for you. We can measure your progress based on your observations and self-reports, along with the data from the training.
Training is done by using Neurofeedback. This is a system that gives your brain feedback so that it can learn how to use its energy, rhythms and patterns in a better way.
When your brain uses these helpful patterns, it receives reinforcement through visual and audio feedback.
Imagine playing a video game controlled by your brain.
That’s what Neurofeedback is. You control the events on the screen with your brain.
Let’s take a Pac-Man game as an example. When your brain responds to the training by using a better pattern of functioning, then your Pac-Man moves. When your brain does not perform in the better pattern, then your Pac-Man stops.
There are many variations of these games and methods of feedback. For example, it can also be used while watching a show on any streaming TV platform.
Overall, this method of providing information to the brain about its performance will help your brain learn how to regulate itself.
In a short period of time you may experience profound changes in the basics of sleep, stress, mood, and attention.
I offer integrated services so you can achieve your goals faster.
I believe there’s a huge benefit in combing technology and psychology.
The technology I use for getting a Brain Map and doing Brain Training is a specialized and advanced method of Neurofeedback. It provides us with live 3D imaging and allows us to match your goals with training specific areas of your brain.
In addition, I have over 15 years of experience working as a therapist. Integrating talk therapy will support you in learning new strategies to make lasting changes.
Whether you are looking to address symptoms of Anxiety, Stress, ADHD, or problems in relationships, my office offers cutting edge treatment approaches to help you achieve the changes you want.
Ready to learn more about your brain and start making progress? Let’s connect and get started.